- 滑动 slither; slippage; slipping; ...
- 平价 par; parity; fair price; sta ...
- 活动平价 mobile parity
- 流动平价 fluctuating par
- 滑动平衡器 slide balancer
- 滑动平衡重 moving poise
- 滑动平均 moving average; movingaverage; overla ing averages; overlapping averages; overlapping mean; ru ing mea; running means
- 滑动平均法 method of moving average; rolling mean
- 滑动平台 slide platform
- 迭代滑动平均 iterated moving average
- 滑动平均曲线 moving average curve
- 滑动平准汇率 sliding-parity
- 简单滑动平均 simple moving average
- 滑动平均成本法 moving average cost method
- 滑动平均滤波器 moving average filter
- 自回归滑动平均 autoregressive moving average
- 平价 par; parity; fair [state] price; state-set price; state-fixed price; normal, rational price; the standard of a country's standard currency; the standard ratio of two countries' gold standard currency 法定平价 a mint par of exchange; 法定汇兑平价 an official par of exchange; 固定平价 fixed parity; 商业平价 commercial par; 外汇平价 a par of exchange; 实在平价 real par of exchange; 铸币平价 specie par; 平价兑换 exchange at par; 平价发行 par issue; 平价股息率 average-rate of dividend; 平价汇率 par exchange rate; 平价价格 parity price; 平价商店 fair-price shop; 平价条款 parity clause; 平价以上 above par value
- 滑动平行板式粘度计 sliding parallel-plate viscometer
- 自回归滑动平均滤波器 autoregressive moving-average filter
- 自回归积分滑动平均模型 autoregressive integrated moving average model
- 滑动 slither; slippage; slipping; slide; sliding; run; sliding movement [motion]; glide; slump◇滑动闸门 slide gate; 滑动支座 sliding support; 滑动轴承 sliding bearing; 滑动装置 carriage; saddle; slide
- 非平价 disparity; no par value
- 公平价 moderate price
- 金平价 gold par; gold parity
- 平价的 par