- 溶液 solution; liquor; scald; aqu ...
- 接 come into contact with; come ...
- 技 skill; ability; trick; techn ...
- 加液接头 charging connection
- 滤液接收器 filtrate receiver
- 滤液接受槽 filtrate sump
- 滤液接受器 filtrate receiver
- 密封液接口 seal fluid connection
- 气液接触 gas-liquid contacting
- 液接电位 liquid junction potential
- 液接界面 liquid junction boundary
- 溶液 solution; liquor; scald; aqua 当量溶液 normal solution; 实在溶液 real solution; 溶液处理 solution treating; 溶液电解 electrolysis of solutions; 溶液剂 solution; 溶液浓度 solution concentration; 溶液压力 solution pressure
- 辐射接技 radiation grafting
- 焊接技巧 soldering technique; technique soldering
- 焊接技术 bonding technique; welding technique; weldingtechnique
- 技术, 转接技术 switching technique
- 胶接技术 adhesive bonding technique
- 连接技术 connection technologies
- 面接技术 face bonding
- 同时接技 simultaneous grafting
- 玻璃液接触角 wetting angle of molten glass
- 残余液接电位 residual liquid junction potential
- 分馏液接受器 fractional distillate receiver
- 波峰焊接技术 wave soldering
- 材料连接技术 materials welding and joining technology