go sight-seeing; tour; visit 短语和例子
游览西湖 go sight-seeing on the west lake; 游览长城 visit the great wall; 游览车 tourist coach; 游览地 place for sight-seeing; excursion center; range; 游览图 tourist map; 游览团体 tourist party
观光,游览 sightseeing游览,漫游 pleasure trip游览车 excursion train; excursion vehicle; park sightseeing bus; pleasure car; sightseeing car; tour bus; tourer; touring bus; touring car; tourist bus; tourist car; tourist coach; véhicule de tourisme游览船 cabin cruiser; excursion boat; excursion steamer; pleasure steamer; recreation ship; sightseeing boat;sightseeing ship游览的 excursive; sight-seeing游览地 place of sightseeing; tourist site游览点 sightseeing spot游览港 sight seeing port游览机 joy-riding aircraft游览票 excursion ticket; inclusive tour fare; tourist ticket游览区 esthetic area; excursion area, open-to-public area; leisure area; recreation area; sightseeing district游览艇 cruising yacht; recreational craft; sight-seeing launch; touring boat; tourist boat游览图 tourist map游览者 sightseer; tourist; visitor被游览的 touristed参观游览 go on a sightseeing tour乘船游览 19.the cruise; go for a sail; take a ride on the boat大型游览车 early type of bus with bench seats facing forward used esfor pleasure trips电动游览车 sightseeing trolley访问;游览;作客;侵袭 visit非游览区 no-admittance area高速游览车 gt grand touring car航行游览 sin voyage or excursion on water for pleasure环球游览 globe-trotting游廓甲板 promenade deck游览;贯穿,普遍存在于 run through
She rubbernecked through shanghai last month . 她上月游览 了上海。 It is fine sport to sail in a boat . 驾着小舟游览 是很好的娱乐。 When visiting london i like to travel by bus . 我游览 伦敦时喜欢坐公共汽车。 I have visited rome many a time . 我到罗马去游览 过很多次。 Spacecraft have already traveled to other planets . 宇宙飞船已游览 了别的行星。 I 'm contemplate visiting france . 我打算上法国去游览 。 They did london in five days . 他们花五天时间游览 伦敦。 We did tokyo in three days . 我们在东京游览 了三天。 I made a tour of europe . 我到欧洲游览 了一趟。 Even if it should rain tomorrow , they will go for an outing . 纵使明天下雨,他们也要去游览 。
游览的法语 :动 faire une excursion;excursionner;faire un voyage;visiter en touriste~长城visiter la grande muraille游览的日语 :遊覧する.見物して歩く. 游览长城/万里の長城を遊覧する.游览的韩语 :[명사][동사] 유람(하다). 游览长城; 만리장성을 유람하다 游览车; 관광차 游览地; 유원지 游览图; 여행 지도 游览名胜古迹; 명승고적을 유람하다游览的俄语 :[yóulǎn] совершать экскурсию; осматривать (достопримечательности)游览什么意思 :yóulǎn 从容行走观看(名胜、风景):~黄山。 ◆ 游览 yóulǎn 从容行走观看(名胜、风景):~黄山。