深刻的,渊博的 profound a. having, showing or suing thorough knowledge and dee understanding; profound a. having, showing or suing thorough knowledge and deeunderstanding
知识渊博 have a wide range of knowledge; a large stock of information; be erudited [learned]
他是学识渊博的 he is as full of meat as an egg where the law is concerned
Marco never seemed to wonder at the immense collection of facts in his father's head . 马科对他父亲头脑里有那么渊博的知识,似乎从不感到惊讶。
Full knowledge is not for man as man is here, for his capacities, which he is apt to think so great, are indeed but small . 全面渊博的知识不是赋予接受力有限的人类的,人类往往自以为才莫大焉,实则是微不足道。
Impress others with your english and knowledge 以流利的英语和渊博的知识令众人瞩目
He once again imparted to us his great knowledge , experience and wisdom 他再一次让我领教了他渊博的知识,丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。
A excellent guide not only have good attitude , but also need profound knowledge 一个优秀的导游所具有的素质不仅要有良好的态度,还要有渊博的知识
His brilliant speech , jocular talk and profound knowledge won our enthusiastic applause 他精彩的演讲,诙谐的语言,渊博的知识,赢得了同学们阵阵热烈的掌声。
To succeed in this area , one needs profound knowledge and experience , which few has 要想在这一领域取得成功,需要渊博的知识及丰富的经验,而很少有人能具备这两点。
A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work , and yet hardly get any benefit or relief 一个人可以在自己工作之外的领域获得渊博的知识,不过他可能几乎得不到什么好处或是消遣。
The paper , it is let us can see zaowen gan professor have broad and profound knowledge and her lay siege to for educating cause 通过她的论文,我们可以看到甘藻文副教授渊博的知识、深厚的学问功底和对教育事业的兢业精神。
A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work , and yet hardly get any benefit or relief 在与自己日常工作无关的某种领域中,一个人也许可以获得渊博的知识,但他几乎得不到任何实在的益处或放松。