- 深海 abysmal sea; abyssal sea; de ...
- 狂怒 rage; furor; fury
- 深海狂鲨 deep blue sea
- 水深火热,又名:深海变种或深海狂鲨 deep blue sea
- 狂怒 rage; furor; fury 狂怒之下 in a towering rage
- 深海 abysmal sea; abyssal sea; deep sea◇深海捕捞 deep sea fishing; 深海捕鱼 deep-sea fishing; 深海采矿 deep-sea mining; 深海电缆 deep sea cable; 深海调查 deep-sea expedition; 深海浮游生物 abyssal plankton; 深海潜水 deep sea diving; 深海潜水器 benthoscope; bathyscaph; bathyvessel; 深海区 abysmal area; abyssal area; 深海鱼类 abyssal fishes; abyssal pelagic fishes; deep-sea fishes; 深海渔业 deep sea fishery; 深海资源 deep-sea resources; 深海作业船 deep-sea work boat
- 狂怒的 fighting mad; furious; horn-mad
- 狂怒地 like a bull at a gate; ragefully
- 狂怒者 berserker; fury
- 狂怒之 furious
- 使狂怒 tempest
- 碧海狂僧 mad monk
- 孽海狂涛 wild is the wind
- 怒海狂潮 taloompuk
- 怒海狂烟 oceans of fire
- 怒海狂鲨 raging sharks
- 人海狂潮 the storm of life
- 血海狂鹰 the eagle and the hawk
- 欲海狂情 dream with the fishes
- 欲海狂焰 exposed
- 不灭狂怒 deathless frenzy
- 恶魔狂怒 demonic frenzy
- 发作性狂怒 paroxysmal furor
- 疯疯癫癫,狂怒 mad as a hatter
- 激励狂怒 inspire frenzy