- cercarial dermatitis of freshwater mammalian type
- 淡水 fresh water
- 哺乳 feed a baby at the breast; b ...
- 类型 type; mold; form; cut
- 尾蚴 cercaria
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 皮炎 dermatitis; cutitis; dermiti ...
- 淡水鸟型尾蚴性皮炎 cercarial dermatitis of freshwater avian type
- 海水鸟型尾蚴性皮炎 cercarial dermatitis of sea water avian type
- 尾蚴性皮炎 cercarial dermatitis; dermatitis cercorial
- 血吸虫尾蚴性皮炎 schistosome cercarial dermatitis
- 哺乳类 mammalia; mammals
- 微尾型尾蚴 microcercous cercaria
- 哺乳类的 mammiferous
- 哺乳类动物 mammalian
- 哺乳类全传 the life of mammals 10
- 哺乳类性 mammality
- bbc-哺乳类全传 bbc-the life of mammals
- 哺乳类比翼属 mammomonogamus
- 哺乳类眼线虫 mammalian eyeworm
- 近哺乳类动物 near mammals
- 有胎盘哺乳类 placental mammals
- 性皮炎 contactdermatitis; dermatitis rhus; gangrenous dermatitis
- 尾蚴怀皮炎 cercarial dermatitis
- 哺乳类全传花絮 the life of mammals extras
- 哺乳类人工染色体 mammalian artificial chromosome