- 消磨 wear down; fritter away
- 旅途 journey; trip
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 无聊 in extreme depression; bored
- 消磨旅途时光 cheat the journey
- 旅途的 itinerary
- 解除旅途的疲劳 relief from tiresome journey
- 过著无聊生活的无聊的人 dreary people leading dreary lives
- 把身边的无聊踢开 kicked around bored
- 人在旅途的美妙瞬间 those perfect moments in travel
- 通讯商打来的无聊电话 courtesy call
- 消磨 1.(逐渐消失) wear down; fritter away 消磨精力 fritter away one's energy; 消磨志气 sap one's will2.(度过) while away; idle away 消磨时间 kill time; pass the time; 消磨岁月 while away the time; 消磨时日 while away the time; 消磨余年 spend one's remaining years
- 旅途 journey; trip 旅途见闻 what one sees and hears during a trip; traveller's notes; 旅途随笔 sketches on a journey; traveller's notes; 踏上旅途 set forth on a journey
- 无聊 1.(闲得烦闷) in extreme depression; bored 我敢说你在家里感到沉闷无聊。 i dare say you're dull at home.2.(没有意义) senseless; silly; stupid; uninteresting 无聊的故事 a silly story; 乏味无聊的表演 a stupid performance
- 瓶子里装满了水。足够24小时旅途的使用。 the bottle is full of water. it’s more than enough for a 24-hour trip
- 这样会减少我整个旅途的紧张和不适 i may not feel nervous and uneasy during my whole trip
- 消磨, 消遣 wile away
- 消磨,磨损 attrition
- 消磨掉 wear 1
- 虚度, 消磨 idle sth away
- 以消磨 beguile with
- 在旅途 on going a journey
- 乏味,无聊 boredom
- 更无聊 more bored
- 使无聊 bore; flatten