Recent advances in synthesis of terminal aryl acetylenes by palladium - catalyzed coupling - elimination reaction 消去法合成芳基末端炔的研究进展
Based on the gaussian elimination technique and its relevant theory of the matrix decomposition , a variant of the revised simplex method that possesses better numerical stability is discussed 摘要根据高斯消去法及其相关的矩阵分解理论,讨论了具有较好数据稳定性的改进单纯形法的一种形式。
Further , based on the method of pre - elimination of parameters , the formulae of the partly - weigthed least squares estimation with constraints on parts of the parameters are derived to include a prior information 在顾及电离层加权模型的情况下,利用参数消去法,推导了加权最小二乘法估计模糊度实数解的公式。
The theory of normal form are used to investigated the normal forms in the four dimensional nonlinear systems with cubic nonlinearities . we give the computing results of maple programs by using the adjoint operator method 利用共轭算子法和逐项消去法等规范形理论研究了含有三次非线性项的四维系统的规范形,给出了利用maple符号推导程序所得到的计算结果。
General pkm has no analytic positive solutions , which mirrors in the analysis of kinematic and dynamic . jacobian matrix can not be gained ; when solving the problem with the digital algorithm of gauss - elimination , the coefficient matrix of linear equations group is high degree illness 一般并联机构没有解析正解,反映在运动和动力学分析过程中为无法求得雅可比矩阵;当采用高斯消去法的数值解法解雅可比矩阵的方程组或求逆时会发现系数矩阵是高度病态的。