tam terre air mer terre-air-mer
陆 land空 leave empty or blank; empty; ...海陆空的 aero amphibious; aeroamphibious海陆空军 the land sea and air forces海陆空模型 model zone海陆空三栖 triphibian海陆空搜索 air-sea-land search海陆空大逃亡 the mckenzie break; www imdb com海陆空联合的 aero amphibious海陆空接力迎刑侦 dif iv海陆空联合作战 aero amphibious warfare海陆空特种部队 tzbd鸿泰(海陆空)货运有限公司 goodview express &transportation co. ltd海陆 flood and field; land and sea陆空的 air-ground; ground-air陆空陆 train-air-truck; trainairtruckck海陆法 sea-land method海陆风 land and sea breezes; sea and land breeze; sea-land breeze; solar wind全海陆 a/wall waterter大陆空气 continental air mass陆空合作 air/ground cooperation陆空军少校 major陆空军总监 general inspector of the army and the air force陆空联络 army air liaison陆空联络连 air-ground liaison company
The headquarters for the u . s . armed services is the pentagon 美国海陆空 三军的总部是五角大楼。 Sea - air - land transportation is facility海陆空 交通运输便利。 Transportation by sea , land , air , and mail海陆空 邮运输 An air , sea and land search and rescue operation was immediately conducted海陆空 搜索救援行动随即展开。 Is a leading transportation logistics company in hong kong 是一间在物流方案占领导地位的海陆空 货运供应商 U . s . military is searching for the two by air , ground and in the water 美国军方调用了海陆空 三军在搜寻那两名失踪士兵。 Control of people moving into and out of hong kong by land , sea and air海陆空 出入境管制;调查和侦查有关入境的罪行; It settles a very good location with convenient communication on land , by sea or by air 七里港15公里,海陆空 交通极为便捷。 U . s . military is searching for the two by air , ground and in the water 目前,美军已派出海陆空 各军种全力搜寻两名失踪的士兵。 The game will simulate joint operation of ground , naval and air forces on vast areas 这个游戏将在广阔的地区中模仿海陆空 的联合作战。
海陆空的韩语 :【속어】 해륙공. [주로 상해(上海)에서 여성이 결혼 상대를 고를 때의 3가지 조건으로, ‘海’는 ‘海外关系’로 친족 중에 해외에 거주하는 사람이 있는 것, ‘陆’는 ‘落实政策’(정책을 확실히 실행하다)의 ‘落’(상해 발음에서 ‘陆’과 ‘落’은 통함)를 가리켜 새로운 정책의 실시로 명예가 회복되고 압류되었던 재산이 반환되어 집안이 부유하게 된 것 또는 ‘陆...