- 海事 maritime affairs accident on ...
- 评议 appraise sth. through discus ...
- 海事评论 maritime revue
- 评议 appraise sth. through discussion; deliberate 评议确定 be discussed and determined by the masses; 我们就他的晋升问题进行过数次评议。 we had several discussions about his promotion. 让群众评议一下谁当先进工作者。 let the masses discuss who will be chosen as an advanced worker.; 评议会 appraisal meeting; 评议委员会 board of regents; appraisal committee; 评议员 counselor; 评议组 appraisal group
- 军事评论 katonai szemle; military review; revista militar
- 军事评论员 military commentator
- 人事评鉴 personnel evaluation
- 时事评论 commentary
- 同事评估 peer a raisal; peer appraisal
- 外事评论 bulletin de l'etranger
- 新军事评论 ny militaer tidskrift
- 评议,研究 review
- 评议会 appraisal meeting; consultation; council; senate; soviet
- 评议员 conferree; councillor; councilor; curator; regent; senator; trustee
- 评议组 appraisal group
- 军事评论汇报 allgemeine militarrundschau
- 瑞士军事评论 revue militaire suisse
- 闪电军事评论 military review of blitz
- 苏联军事评论 soviet military review
- 外国军事评论 zarubezhnoe voennoe obozrenie
- 白石评议会 the whitestone council
- 大学评议会 academic council
- 发展评议会 development senate
- 工会评议会 trade council