Poulsen - arc radio transmitter invented 发明浦尔生电弧无线发射机。
A pair of gaily painted domesticated elephants regard one another in a jaipur park in india 印度斋浦尔的一个公园里,一对被绘上了华丽图案的驯象互相在互相注视。
The council , or panchayat , of ranpur village , 340 km 210 miles south of state capital jaipur , then decided to take the law into its own hands 这座名叫兰普尔的村庄位于印度拉贾斯坦邦首府斋浦尔南部340公里处,该村村委会最后决定将法律掌控在自己的手中。
The council , or panchayat , of ranpur village , 340 km ( 210 miles ) south of state capital jaipur , then decided to take the law into its own hands 这座名叫兰普尔的村庄位于印度拉贾斯坦邦首府斋浦尔南部340公里处,该村村委会最后决定将法律掌控在自己的手中。
When the practitioners arrived in delhi , several young drivers from the area drove them to jodhpur . on the way , one happily exchanged spiritual views with the initiates 当同修抵达德里delhi时,有几位年轻的司机载运同修前往久德浦尔,一路上有位司机先生不断地和同修交换灵修心得。
The mayor of jodhpur , mr . rajath kumar mishra , observed that it was the first time in many years that the region had received help and concern from a non - profit international organization 久德浦尔市长米希拉先生sh . rajath kumar mishra表示,这是该地区多年来第一次得到国际性非营利团体的关怀与援助。
Over the past few years , northwestern india has suffered from an ongoing drought , but the situation deteriorated this year as crops failed and people suffered from severe water and food shortages . on learning of the situation , supreme master ching hai directed fellow practitioners to carry out relief work in the villages near the four major cities of jodhpur , jaisalmer , pali and barmer in the state of rajasthan 清海无上师得知这个消息后,即指示同修深入罗吉斯坦地区rajasthan state的久德浦尔jodhpur捷斯敏尔jaisalmer巴摩尔barmer巴里pali等四大城外的乡间聚落进行救援工作。