浓郁 rich; strong 浓郁的香味 rich fragrance; 桂花发出浓郁的芳香。 osmanthus blossoms give off [exhale] a rich perfume. 这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。 these works have a strong flavour of rural life
Osmanthus blossoms give off a rich perfume . 桂花发出浓郁的芳香。
Osmanthus blossoms exhale a rich perfume . 桂花发出浓郁的芳香。
Coffee is a fragrant beverage . 咖啡是一种香味浓郁的饮料。
The rich odour clung to him and wrapped him around . 这浓郁的香气缠着他,围着他。
There was a heavy odour in the room--the flowers . 房间里弥漫着浓郁的气息,那是花香。
"come in, brothers," she said, her exotic perfume filling the foyer . “进来吧,兄弟们,”她说道,一股浓郁的香气充溢在门廊里。
Then, suddenly, as he rested there, the room was filled with the strong, sweet odor of mignonette . 忽然,就在他休息的时候,满房间都是木犀草浓郁的芬芳。
The smell of camphor almost smothered the faint spring scent of the lilies banking the alter . 散发出浓郁的樟脑味,把圣坛上堆积的百合花吐出的清淡的春天气息,差不多全给吞噬了。
Now in the warm sunlight she saw that rich dark beauty which seemed to gather round it all images of joy . 现在,在温暖的阳光下她看见了那个丰富、浓郁的美,似乎把一切欢乐的形象都聚集到它周围了。
In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance . 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。