An island clad in deep green . you can see dolphins all through the year 全岛为浓绿的树木所簇拥,全年可以观看到海豚。
Their integration projected on this chaotic context requires a new aproach 这使他们理想即使不必要的项目都在清晰浓绿的目的下发展。
A cloud began to cover the sun slowly , shadowing the bay in deeper green 一片云彩开始徐徐地把太阳整个儿遮住,海湾在阴影下变得越发浓绿了。
Much branched and with dark green leaves , the plant can be used as an ornamental for growth in shade 本种多分枝,叶浓绿,较耐阴,可用作庭园观赏树。
The colorful and active platy provides a vivid contrast to the rich green plants in your aquarium 色彩鲜艳又活泼的月光鱼与鱼缸中浓绿的植物形成了鲜明的对比。
May is the prettiest month ( the dense , tropical mountain forests are exceptionally green ) while august is the best all around month 5月是最美的月份(茂密的热带山地森林异常浓绿) ,而整个8月都非常适宜观光。
Plantlets with microtubers of d . pathaica and d . composite could obtain completed regenerated plantlets on ms or 1 / 2ms 0和156 3 ;多倍体叶色更加浓绿,叶形指数变小,多倍体叶形指数分别为二倍体的99和97 。
Available in five color combinations : white and red , bright yellow and dark green , sapphire blue and bright orange , deep blue and deep red , and bright yellow and sapphire blue 有白与红鲜黄与浓绿宝蓝与鲜橘深蓝与红色以及鲜黄与宝蓝等五种款式。
If the colorful bloom is the romantic modern , then the leaves are the elegant classic . my wings are spread among the refreshing poetry 如果多彩的花是浪漫的现代,单色的叶便是含蓄的古典。我的视线凝聚在抹上薄薄金粉的青叶间,彷佛幻化为清风,翱翔于层层浓绿中了。
But the great room plant , which had been sung to and swaddled in positive thoughts and words , had increased threefold leaves that fairly vibrated with energy when addressed with song , word or thought 但是,教室里那株常春藤每天都能听到歌声,沐浴在积极的思想和言语里,竟长到了原来的三倍大,叶子浓绿肥厚,生机勃勃,在我们的歌声里,言语和思想里微微颤动着。