This large instrument was made up of an armillary sphere , a celestial globe and a mechanical chronograph 这是结合浑仪浑象及报时装置的大型天文仪器。
This large instrument was made up of an armillary sphere , a celestial globe and a mechanical chronograph 这是结合浑仪、浑象及报时装置的大型天文仪器。
Using water power and having all the functions of the armillary sphere , it was the first astronomical clock in the world 以水为动力,集浑仪、浑象、报时装置于一体,是世界上最早的天文钟。
The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times 这仪器又称浑象,球上刻有星宿赤道黄道等,主要是用来显示天体在不同时间的位置。
The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times 这仪器又称浑象,球上刻有星宿、赤道、黄道等,主要是用来显示天体在不同时间的位置。