形容词 [书面语] 1.(形容水流清澈) (of water ) clear; limpid 2.(形容风疾) (of wind) swift
浏海 bang; fringe洚水 floodinundation浏河 liu he; liuhe洚 动词[书面语] (水流不遵河道) overflow 洚水 flood; inundation浏河口 liuhe kou洵盛 nobumori浏览 glance over; skim through; browse; pass one's eyes over sth.; pass over; run over; scan 浏览报纸上的大标题 take a glance at the newspaper headlines; 把稿子浏览一遍 glance over a manuscript; 读了书中几章并浏览了其余部分 read some chapters and scan the rest of the book; 在阅览室浏览图书 browse among books in the reading room洵南日报 kong nghie tong sang dagblad浏览, 翻阅, 监视 browsing洵口 xunkou
Investigation of parasite infection in goats in liuyang city 以浏 阳市中医医院为例 For more information , please visit the following 如想获取进一步资料,请浏 The investigation of peasants ' increasing income in liuyang city 来自湖南省浏 阳市的报告 Copyright 2006 liuyang changli export fireworks factory 版权所有2006浏 阳市长利出口花炮厂 A brief introduction and development of tourism resources in liuyang city 以湖南省浏 阳市为例 For more information , please visit the contract web site 如想获取进一步资料,请浏 ?工程合约网站。 Trusteeship hospital : holding up health of peasants - a report from liuyang city 来自浏 阳市的报告 Liuyang changli export fireworks factory浏 阳市长利出口花炮厂 For more information , please visit 如想获取进一步资料,请浏 Note : click browse to select a different group policy object 注:单击浏 缆可以选择一个不同的组策略对象
浏的法语 :形 <书> 1.clair;limpide 2.rapide(le vent)浏的日语 :浏liú 〈書〉 (1)水流のすき透っているさま. (2)風がかすめ通るさま.浏的韩语 :(1)[형용사]【문어】 물이 맑고 투명한 모양. (2)[형용사]【문어】 바람이 세찬 모양. (3)[동사]【초기백화】 몰래 달아나다. (4)지명에 쓰이는 글자. 浏河; 유하 [강소성(江蘇省)에 있는 강] =娄Lóu江浏的俄语 := 浏浏什么意思 :(瀏) liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ 1)水清澈:~溧。~滥(清净)。 2)明朗:“诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而~亮”。 3)大略地看:~览。 ·参考词汇: clear swift 浏阳 浏览