- a person endowed with the talent to govern and to serve
- 才 ability; talent; gift; endow ...
- 不世之才 rare talent
- 盖世之才 talent unsurpassed [unmatched] in one's generation; very capable
- 经世之才 a great ability to rule the country
- 命世之才 one destined to govern; a born talent
- 纬世之才 the ability to rule the state
- 稀世之才 the supramundane power of intellect
- 宰世之才 a talent with the ability to rule the country
- 周济世 archbish joseph chow
- 徐之才 xu zhicai
- 世之在 being-in-the-world
- 王世之 shizhi wang
- 隐世之 reclusive
- 济世安民 assist one's generation and bring comfort to the common people
- 济世拯道 save the society from becoming degraded
- 经济世界 dunia ekonomi; mundo economico; svet hospodarstvi
- 行医济世 practise medicine to save people
- 悬壶济世 practise medicine in order to help the people [public]
- 八斗之才 a man of great talent; a very talented or gifted person; full of gifts [literary talent]
- 栋梁之才 a man of tremendous promise; the pillars of society [the state]; the mainstay of a cause
- 可造之才 a person suitable for training; a promising person; a man of great potential
- 跨灶之才 (比喻儿子超过父亲) the capability of bestriding the kitchen-range; excel one's father in knowledge and ability
- 领袖之才 the ruler
- 平庸之才 mediocrity
- 天赋之才 man of natural endowment; innate [natural] gift; god-given talent
- 济世之才什么意思:jì shì zhī cái 【解释】济:救。救世的才能 【出处】唐·杜甫《奉待严大夫》诗:“殊方又喜故人来,重镇还须济世才。” 【示例】清·刘鹗《老残游记》第六回:“若真有点~,竟自遁世,岂不辜负天地生才之心吗?” 【拼音码】jszc 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;指救世的才能 【英文】a person endowed with a talent to govern and to serve