- 活动 move about; exercise
- 连结 concatenate; joining-up copu ...
- 杆 shaft; rod; bar
- 连结杆 connecting lever; tie bar; tierod; union lever
- 动连结 kinetic connection
- 角形连结杆 angle tie
- 曲柄连结杆 crank connecting link
- 滑动连结体 slip joint connection
- 滑动连结体,滑动连接 slip-joint connection
- 活动连接 articulate; flexible connection; link joint; live connection; movable connection; swing joint
- 活动连接器 flexible jumper
- 活动连接体 nonrigid connector
- 活动连接轭 articulated yoke
- 光纤活动连接器 fiber active linker
- 铰接 活动连接 可转接头 swingjoint
- 连结 concatenate; joining-up copulation; structural connection; junction; anastomose; attachment; bond
- 联结杆 brace rod; connecting link; connecting rod; connectingrod; coupling link; coupling rod; tie bar
- 光纤活动连接器插针体技术要求 technical requirement of ferrule for optical fiber connector
- 活动连接体,非坚硬性连接体,弹性连接体 nonrigid connector
- 型单模光纤光缆活动连接器技术条件 requirements specification of single -mode optical fiber and cable connector:type st/pc
- 型单模光纤活动连接器技术条件 technical condition of the type of mu single-mode optical fiber connector
- 鼻硬结杆菌 bacillus rhenosclernmatis; bacillus rhinoscleromatis; bacterium rhinoscleromatis
- 垂直联结杆 vertical hitch
- 底部联结杆 bottom links
- 可调联结杆 adjusting link