- 洪水 waterflood; deluge; flood; f ...
- 计 count; compute; calculate; n ...
- 洪水计算公式 flood formula
- 溃坝洪水计算 evaluation of dam break flood
- 设计洪水计算 design flood computation
- 水利水电工程设计洪水计算规范 sl44-93
- 洪水 waterflood; deluge; flood; flowage; torrent; spate; flood water; [意大利] acqua alta◇洪水泛滥 flood routing; flooding; 洪水季节 flood season; floodtime; 洪水径流 flood runoff; 洪水泥沙 flood sediment; 洪水上涨 flood rise; 洪水退落 flood fall; 洪水位 flood stage; 洪水溢流道 overflow flood spillway; 洪水预报 flood forecasting; 洪水总量 flood volume
- 测水计 water gauge
- 吃水计 draught gauge; pneumacator draft gauge
- 量水计 water meter
- 漏水计 waste meter
- 渗水计 infiltrometer; lisimeter; lysimeter
- 水计量 water metering
- 标准量水计 standard water metre
- 风压计,吃水计 draught gauge; draughtgauge
- 给水计划 water supply plan
- 供水计划 water adduction scheme
- 浸水计算 bilging calculation
- 排水计划 scheme for irrigation and drainage
- 排水计算 wsjs
- 气动吃水计 pneumacator draft gauge
- 潜水计时员 diving time keeper
- 湿式量水计 wet-type watermeter
- 水计量罐 water measuring tank
- 下水计算 launching calculation