The pressure on dams and levee s is very strong 大坝和堤防需要承受巨大的洪水冲击的压力。
Wetlands help filter out pollutants in water , regulate water regime and perform flood mitigation functions 湿地能净化水中污染物,保护海岸线及纾缓洪水冲击。
They also play a significant role in water purification , shoreline stabilisation and flood mitigation . 此外,湿地亦具有净化水中污染物、保护海岸线和纾缓洪水冲击等重要功能。
In the long tower has 370 - year - plus history , the river sharp bends , suffered endless flooding in , the wind chaure fight , but still forceful tingfa the yingzi stand majestically in the left jiang 归龙塔已有370余年的历史,又处河流急弯处,遭受了数不尽的洪水冲击,风乔雷打,但是仍以刚强挺拨的英姿巍然屹立于左江中。
Tashan weir , now still in good condition after 1100 years of weather beating and storm whipping , has played the role of seawater holdback , fresh water conservancy , water diversion and discharge 它山堰是全国重点文物保护单位,历经1100余年风霜雨雪水和洪水冲击,至今仍基本完好,继续发挥着阻咸、蓄淡、引水、泄洪的作用。
But most prior discoveries of mammoth bones have involved fragments washed down during the prehistoric floods that repeatedly swept across the columbia basin at the end of the ice age 但是,考古学家表示,很多此前发现的猛犸象骨骼化石中含有史前洪水冲击下来的碎片。冰河时代末期的哥伦比亚盆地曾屡次受到史前大洪水的冲击。