战争 war; warfare 战争的双方 the two sides in a war; both belligerents; 医治战争创伤 heal the war wounds; 战争赔款 reparation of war; 战争边缘政策 brink of war policy; brinkmanship; 战争财政 wartime finance; 战争储备 war reserves; 战争对策 war game; 战争法规 laws of war; jus belli; 战争贩子 warmonger; 战争狂 war mania; war hysteria; 战争冒险 war venture; war gamble; 战争赔偿 reparations of war; 战争赔款 indemnity of war; 战争升级 war escalation; 战争物资储备 storage of war materials; 战争形势 war situation; 战争行为 act of war; 战争性质 nature of war; 战争学 polemology; 战争状态 state of war; 战争准备 war preparation; 战争罪犯 war criminal; 战争罪行 war crime
The title of my thesis is be stabilhation of southeast europe and the new regionalismthe source of condict after the cold wh and the establisboent of security regane " . at the last ten ycars of 20tli century condicts and wars took place in southeast europe 20世纪的最后十年,东南欧爆发了第二次世界大战以来欧洲最残酷的战争?波黑战争,科索沃的危机又引发了史无前例的以美国为首的北约对南联盟的78天狂轰滥炸。