You will park in front of the boeing 727 你将停在波音727前面。
Twa flight 514 crashes northwest of washington dulles international airport , killing all 92 people on - board 1974年,环球514号班机(波音727机型)在华盛顿的杜勒斯国际机场西北方向坠毁,机上92人全部遇难。
When he proposed to graciela asturias , a 27 - year - old space enthusiast , they were on a 90 - minute zero - gravity flight aboard a boeing 727 当他向27岁的太空迷葛蕾西耶拉阿斯图莉亚斯求婚时,他们正在一架波音727型飞机上,体验长达90分钟的无重力飞行。
The 64 men , mainly angolans , south africans and namibians , were arrested in the zimbabwean capital on sunday after arriving on a boeing 727 , officials said . the plane is currently impounded 据官方声称,主要由安哥拉、南非及纳米比亚人组成的64人于周日乘坐波音727抵达津巴布韦首都后被捕。飞机也被暂扣。