

  • wave velocity method



  • 例句与用法
  • Aiming at this problem , the paper put forward a dynamic concrete strength testing technology - consolidating wave speed method , and it can be used to testing fresh concrete strength real - timely
    针对这一问题,本文提出了一种实时监测混凝土早期强度的动态、无损检测方法- -固结波速法
  • Refer to the impacting - echo technology , we impacted the apex of the steel bar and incepted the reflecting stress ave through the resonator that fixed on the apex of the steel bar , and the value of the consolidating wave speed was calculated based on the time of stress wave transmitted and the length of the steel bar , so , identifying the reflecting signal is the key of the consolidating wave speed method
  • The consolidating wave speed of ten concrete specimens within four kinds of composition was inspected in 28 days , and we got the analogical law that the value of consolidating wave speed changes with the increasing concrete strength : the consolidating wave speed decreases when the concrete strength increases , and they varies according with exponential function . so , the feasibility of the consolidating wave speed method was validated , and this method has the advantages that it can be used to testing fresh concrete strength real - timely
  • 推荐英语阅读
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