- official foreign currency deposit system
- 法定 legal; statutory
- 外币存款 deposit in foreign currency
- 制 make; manufacture
- 外币存款 deposit in foreign currency; foreign currency deposit; foreign exchange deposit; foreign holding s; foreign holdings
- 外币存款户 foreign currency deposit account
- (曼谷银行提供外币存款有九种 bangkok bank offers foreign currency deposit accounts in nine currencies
- 存款制度 depositary system; depository system
- 进口存款制 system of advanced deposit for import
- 欧洲贷币存款 euro-currency deposit
- 欧洲货币存款 euro currency deposit
- 外国货币存款 foreign money deposit
- 储备存款制度 reserve deposit requirement system
- 集中存款制度 central depositary system
- 海外货币存款市场 offshore currency deposit market
- 欧洲美元货币存款 euro-dollar deposits
- 外币定期存款 time deposits of deposit&withdrawal
- 外币活期存款 savingsdeposits
- 补充特别存款制 supplementary special deposits
- 规定储备存款制度 reserve deposit requirement system
- 他们总共有60万人民币存款 they have a total deposit of 600 rmb and they will give me half of that
- 外币定活两便存款 savings/time optional deposits
- 外币七天通知存款 seven day notice deposit
- 法定汇率, 政府规定外汇率 official rate of exchange
- 进口存款制, 进口押金制 import deposit scheme
- 法定存款准备金 reserve requirements on deposit