Secondly , based on cutting edge geometric model and machining mode of mk6335a grinder , the rake face with constant normal rake angle and flank face with constant orthogonal clearance angle models of ball - end cutters are discussed . the cutting geometry angle parameters are solved and analyzed . moreover , the tool paths models of wheel which grinding are builded and the post - processing technique for coordination transfer is studied 然后,基于刃口曲线模型、五轴数控磨床刃磨运动方式和微分几何的直纹面概念,本文推导与建立了具有等法前角的前刀面和具有等主后角的后刀面的球头立铣刀数学模型,并对球头立铣刀的刀具角度如刃倾角、主前角、法后角、主偏角等参数进行了求解与分析。