- common seal
- corporate seal
- 法人 juridical person; legal pers ...
- 印章 seal; signet; stamp
- 后期合成中生成个人印章的插件 stamper.zip
- 印章 seal; signet; stamp 在公函上盖印章 affix a seal to an official letter; 刻印章 engrave a seal; 在两个文件的骑缝处盖印章 affix a seal at the joining of two papers
- 法人 juridical person; legal person; corporation; legalis homo◇法人代表 legal representative; 法人地位 status of a legal person; 法人公司 incorporated company; 法人身份 status of a legal person; 法人税 corporation tax; 法人团体 body corporate; corporate body; incorporated association; 法人资格 legal personality; corporate capacity; qualification of a legal person
- 版,印章 print (d05)
- 单印章 shan yinzhang
- 刻印章 engrave a seal
- 印章;印戳 stamp
- 印章机 stamper machine
- 印章石 pyroph
- 印章型 seal cut&
- 印章学 sphragistics
- 给某人印象 give sb impression that; strike sb. as
- 猎人印记 hunter's mark
- 私人印志 private marks
- 千人印象成本 cost per mille
- 地址印章 addre stamp; address stamp
- 第七印章 sjunde inseglet det; the seventh seal
- 法团印章 common seal
- 防伪印章 security stamp
- 封口印章 sealing stamp
- 盖上印章 to put a seal on
- 公司印章 company seal; corporate seal; corporation seal; seal of company; seal of corporation
- 公务印章 cachet