泌 名词 [书面语] (涌出的泉水) gushed spring water
全(质分)泌 holocrine泌氨排泄 ammonotelic excretion觅踪访迹 follow a clue泌被盖 secretionary covering觅致人才 on the lookout for proper personnel泌别清浊 separating the clear from the turbid; separating the useful from the waste; separation of the clear and turbid; the main function of the small intestine觅药行为 drug seeking behavior; drug-seeking behavior; substance(drug)-seeking behavior; substanec(drug)-seeking behavior泌补盖 secretionary supplement觅呀觅知音 i serching for you泌城之战 battle of bi觅序性 geopetality
Lactation is suppressed by administration of androgens . 用雄激素制止泌 乳。 Are your waterworks all right ? 你泌 尿系统正常吗? Has she had any discharge ? 她有过分泌 物吗? A direct method for measuring this is the pressure bleed test . 一种直接测定的方法就是压力泌 水试验。 Lactation is the final phase of the reproductive cycle of mammals .泌 乳是哺乳动物繁殖周期的最后阶段。 This juice-about a quart a day--pours into my duodenum, neutralizing acids . 这种消化液(每天约分泌 1品脱)流入我的十二指肠,把酸中和了。 In addition to the sweat glands, the skin contains other small glands, called sebaceous glands . 除汗腺以外,皮肤还包含其他的细小泌 腺,叫做皮脂腺。 As milk yield is not yet established, the demands are low and body reserves are at their highest . 由于泌 乳量尚未稳定,采食量很低,而且体内储备正处于高峰。 Recent advances in reproductive endocrinology are primarily due to the development of radioimmunoassay . 最近取得的生殖内发泌 研究成果,主要是由于放射免疫分析法的进展。
泌的法语 :名 sécréter泌的日语 :泌bì 地名に用いる. 泌阳/河南省にある県名. 『異読』【泌mì】泌的韩语 :비泌的俄语 :[mì] тк. в соч. выделять; секреция; выделения 泌尿科 [mìniàokē] — 1) урология; урологический 2) отделение урологии (в больнице)泌什么意思 :mì ㄇㄧˋ 1)从生物体内产生出某种物质,流质由细孔渗透出来:分~。~尿。~乳。 bì ㄅㄧˋ 1)泉流轻快的样子。 bì (1) (形声。从水,必声。本义:泉水涌出的样子) 同本义 [gushing from a spring] 泌,侠流也。――《说文》 泌之洋洋,可以乐饥。――《诗·陈风·衡门》。孔颖达疏:“泌者,泉水涓流不已,乃至广大。” (2) 又指涌出的泉水 泌尿器官 泌阳...