Not responsive , as to treatment or stimuli 无感应的对治疗或刺激没有反应的
Windows 2000 patch : unresponsive socket applications Windows 2000修补程序:没有反应的套接字应用程序
Download details : windows 2000 patch : unresponsive socket applications 下载详细信息: windows 2000修补程序:没有反应的套接字应用程序
One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to obama ' s message so far is that of latinos 至今一部分对奥巴马的竞选演讲没有反应的选民是拉美裔人。
Many tcp - friendly congestion control mechanisms have been proposed for these applications , of which some are described in the thesis 这些应用由于自身的原因是基于对拥塞没有反应的udp的。
This update addresses the " services . exe may hang when you restart a service " issue in windows 2000 这个更新程式可以解决在windows 2000中重新启动服务时services . exe可能会没有反应的问题。
Three out of four of those who did not respond to their name at the age of one were identified as haing deelopmental problems a year later 一岁时对自己名字没有反应的婴儿中的3 / 4在一年后有发育的问题。
If a robot does not move for a period of at least 20 seconds and / or it does not respond to the ball , it will be deemed damaged by the referee 至少20秒没有移动且/或对球没有反应的机器人,将被裁判视为损坏的机器人。
The gold micro - shunt ( gms , solx ) offers a blebless treatment option for patients whose glaucoma is unresponsie to other therapies , said dr 金微管( gms , solx )为对其他治疗方式没有反应的青光眼患者提供了实实在在的治疗方式选择。
Most of the people who failed to respond to the combination of treatments now used in hong kong to combat the disease fell into four main categories , he said 他表示,大部分对现时本港采用的混合式治疗没有反应的人士,大致可归纳为四类。