数量 quantity; quantum; amount; magnitude; number 数量上的增减 increase or decrease in quantity; 我们要的是质量而不是数量。 we prefer quality to quantity. 确切数量目前尚不能确定。 the exact quantity cannot be determined at present. 它们的生产数量有限。 they are produced in limited quantities.; 数量标准 quantitative criteria; 数量词 [语言学] numeral-classifier compound; 数量合同 quantum contract; 数量级 order of magnitude; 数量界限 quantitative limit; 数量优势 predominance; 数量语言学 quantitative linguistics; 数量折扣 quantity discount; 数量指标 quantity index; quantitative index; quantity index number
There ' s a quota on the number of japanese cars that can be imported each year 对每年可进口的日本汽车数量上有一个定量配额。
China ' s oil imports are on the same exponential growth path as its car fleet 中国石油进口增加速度和它的汽车数量增加速度并驾齐驱。
With the economic development , the number of automobiles is proliferating in an exploding way 随着社会经济的发展,汽车数量在以爆炸式剧增。
At home , the growth in the number of vehicles seems certain to outpace even the chinese ability to put land under tarmac 在中国,汽车数量的增速看来要超过中国人修路的能力。
Cts - 3 has examined the needs for new highways under various scenarios of population , vehicle fleet size and gdp growth as reflected in table 6 . 1 本研究就人口、汽车数量及本地生产总值的不同增长方案,评审了对新道路的需求(见表6
Cts - 3 has examined the needs for new highways under various scenarios of population , vehicle fleet size and gdp growth as reflected in table 6 . 1 本研究就人口、汽车数量及本地生产总值的不同增长方案,评审了对新道路的需求(见表6
The result has been a rapid increase in automobile use that , just as it does everywhere else in the world , almost instantly absorbs the extra roadways 就像在世界其他地方发生的一样,其后果只能是导致了汽车数量迅猛增长,新增的轿车马上占据了新修的马路。
According to a recent report by the unep1 , if car numbers keep increasing at the present rate , there will be more than a billion on the road by 2025 根据联合国环境规划署最近的一次报告,如果汽车数量保持现在的增长速度,到2025年,汽车总数将超过10亿辆。
Saturday marks china ' s first large - scale participation in " car free day " activities . the number of cars dropped noticeably in most of the participating cities on the day 本周六标志着中国大规模的"无车日"行动.这一天在参加本次活动的城市中汽车数量明显减少了
Parking fines are up 30 % on a year ago and the number of cars abandoned on roadsides has fallen by 60 % as eager private enforcers prove their worth 停车罚款比一年前上升了30 ,遗弃在路边的汽车数量下降了60 (的成绩)让热心的私人监管员证明了自身价值所在。