He blustered and swaggered like a conquering hero . 他声势汹汹,不可一世。
Laws are like spiders ' webs , which stand firm when any light yielding object falls upon them , while a larger thing breaks through them and escapes 法律就好比是蜘蛛网,对于掉在上面的小东西来说总是坚固无比,一旦碰上来势汹汹的强者就一碰即破任其逃之夭夭。
He saw the two gangs , aggressive and sullen , rigidly keeping apart from each other and backing their respective champions ; and he saw himself and cheese - face stripping 他会看同那两帮人气势汹汹,阴沉着脸,彼此冷冷对峙着。分别支持自己的斗士。他看见自己和干酪脸掉衣服。
Marya dmitryevna stood in the doorway of the hall , with her spectacles slipping down on her nose , and her head flung back , looking with a stern and irate face at the new - comers 玛丽亚德米特里耶夫娜把眼镜拉到鼻梁上,头向后仰,站在大厅门口,显露出气势汹汹的严肃而暴躁的神态望着走进来的人。
A singular disadvantage of the sea lies in the fact that after successfully surmounting one wave you discover that there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective in the way of swamping boats 大海上有个特别不利的情况:当你成功地越过一个浪头之后,你发现后边又有一个浪头接踵而至,一样地气势汹汹,相同地急不可待,非要想方设法把小船吞没不可
Towards the end of april 2003 , on the other side of the planet from india , the rain god sent roaring waters down on argentina . in just a few hours , most parts of the country s salado river overflowed , flooding one third of the towns and villages in santa fe province 2003年4月底,在地球的另一个角落,雨神威赫,洪水汹汹,短短几小时内,阿根廷的萨拉多河即溃决千里,造成圣大非省santa fe三分之一的城镇泛滥成灾。
汹汹的法语:形 1.rugissant 2.violent;féroce气势~aspect terrifiant;d'un air menaçant(conquérant) 3.vociférant;chaud议论~.il y a une discusion bien chaude