汇接局 cross office; crossing station; intermediate exchange; junction center; tandem exchange; tandem office; tandem station; tandem switching centre; tiestation
. add inter - office trunk lines from the end office to tandem office ( 1 )增该端局到汇接局的局间中继。
The specification and test methods for conference telephone tandem board 会议电话汇接机技术要求及测试方法
. the tandem office will direct this office number to the new rout ( 3 )汇接局将该端局所属的局号指向新的路由上。
Multi - tandem telephone network 多汇接局电话网
Tandem transferring flag 汇接转发标志
Send extra tandem flag 加发汇接标志
The above - mentioned need the co - operation between network departments and tandem offices 以上工作需要网调部和汇接局的配合。
Tandem deletion digit 汇接删除位
Tandem data circuit 汇接数据电路
That is to say , a 100 , 000 - line tandem exchange needs machine room space less than twice as it needs 32 2 mbits trunk shelves but only 8 155 mbits trunk shelves 也就是说, 10万线的汇接局, 2mbits中继机架需要32个,而155mbits中继机架只需要8个。