- 汇兑 remittance; exchange; transf ...
- 税 tax; duty; tallage; due
- 汇兑 remittance; exchange (in commerce); transfer of funds 国内汇兑 domestic remittance; 汇兑率 rate of exchange; 汇兑平价 par of exchange; 汇兑损失 exchange loss; 汇兑网 remittance network; 汇兑银行 exchange bank
- 兑换;汇兑 exchange
- 汇兑局 money order office
- 汇兑率 arbitration of exchange; course of exchange; exchange rate
- 汇兑网 remittance network
- 汇兑员 exchange teller
- 金汇兑 gold exchange
- 汇兑学汇兑业务 cambistry
- 汇兑员, 汇兑股人员 exchange teller
- 不跟单汇兑 clean remittance (of commercial paper); clean remittances of commercial paper
- 长期汇兑价 long price
- 长期汇兑率 long rate
- 低价汇兑 low exchange
- 电子汇兑 electronic exchange
- 订货单,汇兑(票) order
- 兑换;汇兑;交易所 exchange
- 对英汇兑,英汇。 sterling exchange
- 非居民汇兑 exchange non resident
- 跟单汇兑 documentary remittance
- 国际汇兑 foreign exchange; international exchange; international remittances
- 国际间汇兑 foreign exchange
- 国内汇兑 domestic exchange; domestic remittance; home exchange; inland exchange; inland money order
- 国外汇兑 foreign exchange; foreign remittance