- temperature fluctuation in water
- 水 water
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 温度 temperature
- 波动 undulate; fluctuate; unsettl ...
- 温度波动 fluctuation of temperature; temperature fluctuation; temperature surge; temperature variation
- 温度波动范围 temperature fluctuation range
- 不受温度波动影响 unaffected by temperature fluctuations
- 试验温度波动度 variation in testing temperature; variation in the indicating value
- 温度波 temperature wave
- 大幅度波动 fluctuate widely; wide fluctuation
- 过度波动 undue fluctuation
- 加速度波动 acceleration fluctuation
- 宽度波动 width flux
- 亮度波动 brightness fluctuation
- 灵敏度波动 sensitivity fluctuation
- 密度波动 density fluctuations
- 浓度波动 fluctuation in concentration; fluctuation of cencentration
- 热密度波动 thermal density fluctuation
- 湿度波动度 humidity fluctuation
- 速度波动 speed fluctuation; velocity fluctuation; velocity perturbation
- 小幅度波动 fluctuation within a narrow range
- 轩度波动 fluctuation within a narrow range
- 真空度波动 fluctuation vacuum
- 脉冲宽度波动 pulse duration fluctuation; pulse width fluctuation; pulse-time jitter
- 密度波动变化 density fluctuation