- 水成 aqueous; hydrogenic; hydatog ...
- 泥 cover or daub with plaster,p ...
- 层 I storey; tier; stratum
- 水成泥屑灰岩 hydrocalcilutite
- 水成 aqueous; hydrogenic; hydatogenic; neptunian◇水成变质岩 pararock; 水成沉积 aqueous deposit; 水成电极 water electrode; 水成矿物 hydrogene mineral; 水成土 aquatic soil; aquic taxa; hydromorphic soil; 水成岩 aqueous rock; hydrogenic rock; 水成演替 pyrogenic succession; 水成液 aqueous liquid; 水成作用 [地质学] hydatogenesis
- 腐泥层 putrid slime
- 水泥层 cement layer; layer of cement
- 污泥层 sludge blanket
- 淤泥层 dirt bed; dirt-bed; mud; silt layer; silt seam; silt stratification
- 粘泥层 slimy layer
- 把肉砸成泥 pound the meat into a paste
- 变成泥浆 slurry
- 踩成泥泞 poach
- 捣,捣成泥 mash
- 捣成泥浆 puddling
- 海成泥灰岩 marine marl
- 河成泥沙 fluvial material
- 湖成泥炭 dredged peat; lake peat; limnic peat; sedimentary peat
- 陆成泥煤 terrestrial peat
- 陆成泥炭 terrestrial peat
- 使成泥泞 muddy
- 制成泥敷剂 fiat cataplasma
- 水成层 aqueous rock; hydromorphic horizon
- 水成的 aquagene; aqueous; aquiferous; hydatogenetic; hydatogenic; hydatogenous; hydatomorphic; hydrogene; hydrogenic; hydrogenous; hydromorphic; neptunian; neptunist; water-laid
- 水成论 neptunian theory; neptunianism; neptuniantheory; neptunism