

  • gradation of moisture
  • moisture gradient



  • 例句与用法
  • Ecological attributes of carex pseudocuraica over different water depth in the sanjiang plain
  • The results of dca suggested the first axis showed light gradients and the second axis reflected humidity gradients
  • 3 environment factors have some effects on photosynthetic rate , transpiration rate and stomatal conductance , and the effects show difference with changing species and treatments
    3 、环境因子对四物种的光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔传导力均有一定的影响,随着种和水分梯度的不同,表现出不同的影响差异。
  • The angle between cu , ph and the first axis is very small , shows significant positive association . the angle between mn , electrical conductivity and the second axis is also small , showing significant association , and the correlations between p and the second axis are significantly negative
    环境因子中,氮、有机质、海拔与第一轴呈负相关,其余因子与第一轴呈正相关,而铜、 ph值与第一轴夹角很小,说明它们和水分梯度有显著的正相关,而锰、电导率与第二轴夹角小,说明它们与第二轴相关性大,而磷和第二轴却呈显著负相关。
  • We analyzed the alternative in functional phenotypic plasticity responding to variational entironments , consequently , we interpreted the difference between endangerment and wide - distribution of these closely related species , and the results showed : 1 all of the daily changes of photosynthetic rate responding to different water status show " double apices " except m . d , the daily changes of photosynthetic rate in m . d shows " simple apices " responding to arid soil water content , while " double apices " responding to the other soil water content . emerging time of daily maxim of pn is difference between species and between treatments . daily course of transpiration and stomatal conductance of these for species all show " double apices " , but the emerging time of daily maxim of transpiration rate and stomatal conductance rate are all different between species
    结果表明: 1 、除小鱼仙草外,四物种的光合速率日变化在不同水分梯度下均表现出“双峰型” ,小鱼仙草的光合速率日变化在于旱时表现出“单峰型” ,其余水分梯度下表现出“双峰型” ,种间和梯度间日最大光合速率出现时间有一定的差异;四物种蒸腾速率和气孔传导力日进程也表现出“双峰型” ,但种间日最大气孔传导力和蒸腾速率出现的时间也存在一定的差异。
  • The improvement on conditioning and aeration of double fluids system by atomizing and controlling the air humidity was fully introduced in this paper , as well as solved the shortcomings of high moisture grades between the mirage soaked wind - pipeline and the surface of the grain , and between the superstratum and substrate after conditioning by a serios of managing measures , such as changing the way of ventilation , adjusting the aeration time by controlling the air - humidity of ventilation
  • 推荐英语阅读
水分梯度的英文翻译,水分梯度英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译水分梯度,水分梯度的英文意思,水分梯度的英文水分梯度 meaning in English水分梯度的英文水分梯度怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
