deuterium isotopes of hydrogen
氢 hydrogen的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...同位素 isotope铂的同位素 isotopes of platinum氮的同位素 isotopes of nitrogen钙的同位素 isotopes of calcium汞的同位素 isotopes of mercury氦的同位素 isotopes of helium钾的同位素 isotopes of potassium金的同位素 isotopes of gold氖的同位素 isotopes of neon铅的同位素 actinium lead碳的同位素 isotopes of carbon氧的同位素 isotopes of oxygen氡的同位素 emanation钪的同位素 isotopes of scandium铊的同位素 isotopes of thallium锂的同位素 isotopes of lithium锎的同位素 isotopes of californium锘的同位素 isotopes of nobelium锫的同位素 isotopes of berkelium镝的同位素 isotopes of dysprosium激活的同位素 isotope activated大气的同位素成分 isotopic composition of atmospheric gases地球上的同位素 terrestrial isotope
Are isotopes of hydrogen 均为氢的同位素 , That technique uses a magnetic field to hold large volumes of the same isotopes of hydrogen inside a doughnut - shaped vessel , called a tokamak 磁约束聚变的方法就是利用磁场,将大量氢的同位素 维持在环形容器(称为托卡马克)中。