furious; beside oneself with rage; in a rage; angrily; enraged 短语和例子
他气冲冲地走了。 he went angrily. 她气冲冲地跑下楼去。 she furiously rushed down the stairs
怒气冲冲 be ablaze with anger; as cross as a bear; be swollen [black] with anger [rage]; huff and puff; in a fit of spleen; in a great rage; in a huff; seethe with anger 他怒气冲冲地看着我。 he looked at me with an evil eye怒气冲冲的 quarrelsome气冲冲的 no.to get hot under the collar怒气冲冲, 发怒, 怒冲冲地 in a huff; into a huff怒气冲冲的样子 black looks怒气冲冲地要动武 with one's hackles uangry and ready to fight气冲冲的走出去 storm out of他气冲冲地走了 he went angrily他怒气冲冲地看着我 he looked at me with an evil eye她气冲冲地跑下楼去 she furiously rushed down the stairs冲冲 in a state of excitement 怒气冲冲 in a great rage; 兴冲冲 bursting with enthusiasm; in spirits怒气冲冲地用言词恐吓某人 spit angry menaces at sb气冲 chi chung; st 30天才冲冲冲 tiancaigo怒冲冲 in a rage; furiously 他怒冲冲地离开了房间。 he left the room in a huff喜冲冲 look exhilarated; be in a joyful mood; filled with gayety; joyful and gay兴冲冲 (do sth.) with joy and expedition; excitedly气冲洗 gas flushing杀气冲 running scared跌跌冲冲 stumbling and wavering [staggering]; roll from all sides; stagger about in all directions俯冲冲刺 dive-style finish脉冲冲程 impulse stroke; pulse stroke脉冲冲击 impulison脉冲冲击波 pulse shock气秤 pneumatic weigh cells气冲断路器 air blast circuit breaker
He stormed the length of the room and back . 他气冲冲 地在房间里走来走去。 The boss stormed into his office . 老板气冲冲 地进了他的办公室。 "marion's sick," lincoln answered shortly . “马丽恩病了,”林肯气冲冲 地回答。 He stormed out of the room . 他气冲冲 地走出了房间。 "for god's sake, papa," he implored angrily . “看上帝的面子,爸爸,”他气冲冲 地央求。 Over three hundred delegates had stormed out of the convention . 三百多名代表气冲冲 地退出会议。 He went angrily . 他气冲冲 地走了。 Half an hour later, heyward stormed in, his face flushed . 半小时以后,海沃德气冲冲 地闯了进来,面孔涨得通红。 "if he comes here, i shall go," said mrs. stroeve violently . “如果他到这里来,我就走。”施特略夫太太气冲冲 地说。 At last he went to bed in a rage, and lay stiff, away from her . 最后他气冲冲 地上床去睡觉,僵挺挺地躺在床上,不理睬她。
气冲冲的法语 :形 furieux;fâché气冲冲的日语 :(气冲冲的)ぷんぷん怒るさま.かんかんに怒るさま. 他气冲冲地走进来了/彼はぷりぷりしながら入ってきた.气冲冲的韩语 :[형용사] 노기등등하다. 노기충천하다. 잔뜩 화가 나서 식식거리다. 노발대발하다. =[气忿fèn忿] [气狠hěn狠] [气横hēng横] [气哼hēng哼] [气哄hōng哄] [气呼hū呼] [气愤fèn愤]气冲冲的俄语 :[qìchōngchōng] в крайнем возмущении; возмущённый; раздражённый气冲冲什么意思 :qìchōngchōng (~的)形容非常生气的样子。