His most famous painting is a sunday n la grande jatte ( 1884 , 1884 - 1886 , oil paint on canvas , in the collection of the art institute of chicago ) 参加展出的有莫奈、雷诺阿、毕沙罗、西斯莱、德加、塞尚、莫里索、基约曼等人。
The exhibition is aimed to show the two major impressionist themes of ? andscapes ? and ? ortraits ? pulling out from the commonly accepted view of impressionist of rather vague impressions . apart from the popular works by monet and renoir , it also features landscapes by sisley , pissarro , seurat , signac and portraits by lautrec , bonnard and vuillard , including many first displayed in japan 除了莫奈和雷诺阿的代表作品,还有包括描绘自然的西斯莱、毕沙罗、修拉、西涅克等,和描绘人物的罗德列克、博纳尔、维亚尔等许多在日本首次公开的著名作品。
As a highlight programme of " the year of france in china " , the exhibition showcases 48 impressionist masterpieces selected from the prestigious musee d orsay in paris and other major french museums . exhibits include manet s " the fifer " , degas s " the dance class " and monet s " water lilies " , as well as other works by these artists and by pissarro , sisley and cezanne , etc 作为法国文化年精选节目,展出法国著名的奥塞博物馆及其他法国美术馆精选共48幅印象派名画,包括有马奈、莫奈、德加、雷诺阿、毕沙罗、西斯莱及塞尚等名家的代表作品,例如马奈的吹短笛的男孩、德加的舞蹈课及莫奈的睡莲等印象派杰作。
The exhibition also features works by courbet , bastien - lepage and other painters of naturalism in the 19th century in europe and those with the influence of naturalism by the masters of modern art including van gogh , gauguin , picasso and pissarro . the revolutionary grouping of 73 works , many of them being the first debut in japan , contributes to our understanding in tracing the history of the naturalism movement 有库尔贝和巴斯蒂安-勒帕热等19世纪欧洲自然主义画父们的作品,还有梵高、高更、毕加索、毕沙罗等近代绘画大家们从自然主义观点出发而创作的的作品等,通过包含众多首次在日本公开的73份绘画作品可以追溯自然主义的发展流程。