Bissell renewed the case for the trinidad plan . 比斯尔及陈述了采用特立尼达计划的理由。
He was also often plagued with injuries 比斯尔还经常被自我伤害折磨。
Surviving are his parents , his twin and another brother , and two sisters 比斯尔在世的亲人还有,他的父母,他的胞弟,另外一个兄弟以及两个妹妹。
In 1985 , abt made regular urine testing a condition of bissell ' s renewed employment there 1985年,在通过了美国芭蕾舞剧院的常规尿样检测后,比斯尔得以重新受聘。
While his career was in the ascendant , bissell ' s private life was causing him increasingly sever problems 正当他的事业如日中天时,比斯尔的私生活却给他带来许多问题。
Bissell was dismissed from abt in 1980 and again in 1981 for missed rehearsals and chronic lateness 1980年,比斯尔被美国芭蕾舞剧院解聘; 1981年,他再次因缺席排练和长期迟到而被解聘。
Bissell rose quickly through the ranks at abt , earning remarkable critical praise for his grand - scale technique and the nobility of his personal style 在美国芭蕾舞剧院,比斯尔如锥处囊中,其高超的技术和高雅的个人风格获得一致好评。
Recently bissell agreed to try the betty ford center , again “ at the expense art donors , and reportedly stayed five weeks 不久前比斯尔同意到贝蒂?福特医疗中心去就医,费用又一次由美国芭蕾舞剧院的捐款人支付,据说他在那个医疗中心呆了五个星期。
Bissell ' s mother and brother said yesterday the family had known about his cocaine use for five years , but had been unable to help him kick the habit 比斯尔的母亲和兄弟昨天说,家人五年以前就知道他吸上了可卡因,但一直未能帮助他戒除这个嗜好。
At press time , the cause of his death had not been determined . according to an abt spokesperson , bissell was enrolled in a company drug rehabilitation program at the time 截至截稿日期,死因尚未确定。不过,根据美国芭蕾舞剧院一个发言人所说,比斯尔死时正在一家戒毒中心接受治疗。