Digital signal processor calculates ration error , and real - time property of data processing is ensured 数字信号处理器完成比差的计算,保证数据处理的实时性。
It is shown from the test results that the ratio error and phase error have been integrated to meet class 0 . 2 of national standard 经过实验室测量,整机系统的比差和角差达到了我国关于0 . 2级电流互感器的标准要求。
But the domestic industrialization of magnetic rotary encoder is immature , and the correlative products are low performance , which far from to meet the requirement of market 但是我国的磁电式编码器的产业化程度较低,相关产品的性价比差,远远不能满足市场的需求。
The varied rule of increment ( the equation is abbreviated ) of water depth - wave length ratio shows that wave length decreases with a complicated process , related with increasing density of wave energy 水深波长比差值(方程式略)的变化规律反映出浅水波长缩减为一复杂过程,并与波能密度加大相关。
The coordination control between the angle error and the ratio error was realized through analyzing the common characteristics between the similar magnetizing current compensation and the anti - turn compensation 通过分析相似电流补偿和反匝数补偿的特点,对电流互感器的比差和角差进行了协调控制,补偿效果明显。
To get a tiny - current high - precision current transformer avoiding electromagnetic susceptible 、 performance instability 、 short life of electronic ones , studies high - precision passive current sensor with single - turn cored structure by reducing its secondary turns . based on the zero - flux current transformer principle , propose a passive zero - flux compensation method and deduced it . designs a current transformer with 500 turns based on this method 本文研究了零磁通电流互感器原理,提出了一种无源零磁通电流互感器的方法,推导了它的工作原理,设计了基于该原理的500匝电流互感器,通过校验发现它的比差和角差特性都比普通电流互感器有了很大的改善,并达到了比较高的精度。
From the experiments we can get a conclusion that with the characteristics of working well , sample circuit and light path , rated current error and phase error fulfilling accuracy class 0 . 2 , and respond speed and bandwidth superior to old electromagnetic current transducer , the hybrid current transducer we designed is practical 实验证明,采用这种方法设计的混合式光纤电流互感器工作可靠、电路和光路简单,比差和相差都能够很好地满足国标中对0 . 2级电流互感器的要求,动态响应速度、带宽等性能都明显优于传统的电磁式电流互感器,已经进入实用化阶段。
The verify experiment proves that its ratio and phase characteristics are much better than ordinary ones and the precision is enough for measure use . zero - flux current transformer can ’ t obtain absolute zero flux because residuary flux , so when the secondary turns is too small it will not satisfying . to improve the precision further , proposes a method to compensate zero - flux current transformer using capacitance parallel connected coil and deduces it 为了进一步抵消剩余磁通,提高互感器的精度,提出了一种并联电容线圈补偿零磁通的方法,并进行了理论推导,设计了基于该方法的100匝电流互感器,通过校验证明它可以改善零磁通电流互感器的比差和角差特性,提高互感器的精度,将电流互感器的二次匝数由普通互感器的几千匝降到了100匝,提高了测量微小电流的能力。
This thesis provides the circuit schematic of the unit for measuring harmonic energy and the flow chart for measuring harmonic active energy and harmonic reactive energy . this thesis discusses the error origin of the system for measuring harmonic energy based on wavelet packet transform , and set up the error model , and presents the 探讨了基于小波包变换的谐波电能计量系统的误差来源,建立了系统的误差模型,提出了谐波电能计量系统的直流偏置、比差和角差的校正方法。