

  • preecha
  • pricha



  • 例句与用法
  • Digital signal processor calculates ration error , and real - time property of data processing is ensured
  • It is shown from the test results that the ratio error and phase error have been integrated to meet class 0 . 2 of national standard
    经过实验室测量,整机系统的比差和角差达到了我国关于0 . 2级电流互感器的标准要求。
  • But the domestic industrialization of magnetic rotary encoder is immature , and the correlative products are low performance , which far from to meet the requirement of market
  • The varied rule of increment ( the equation is abbreviated ) of water depth - wave length ratio shows that wave length decreases with a complicated process , related with increasing density of wave energy
  • The coordination control between the angle error and the ratio error was realized through analyzing the common characteristics between the similar magnetizing current compensation and the anti - turn compensation
  • To get a tiny - current high - precision current transformer avoiding electromagnetic susceptible 、 performance instability 、 short life of electronic ones , studies high - precision passive current sensor with single - turn cored structure by reducing its secondary turns . based on the zero - flux current transformer principle , propose a passive zero - flux compensation method and deduced it . designs a current transformer with 500 turns based on this method
  • From the experiments we can get a conclusion that with the characteristics of working well , sample circuit and light path , rated current error and phase error fulfilling accuracy class 0 . 2 , and respond speed and bandwidth superior to old electromagnetic current transducer , the hybrid current transducer we designed is practical
    实验证明,采用这种方法设计的混合式光纤电流互感器工作可靠、电路和光路简单,比差和相差都能够很好地满足国标中对0 . 2级电流互感器的要求,动态响应速度、带宽等性能都明显优于传统的电磁式电流互感器,已经进入实用化阶段。
  • The verify experiment proves that its ratio and phase characteristics are much better than ordinary ones and the precision is enough for measure use . zero - flux current transformer can ’ t obtain absolute zero flux because residuary flux , so when the secondary turns is too small it will not satisfying . to improve the precision further , proposes a method to compensate zero - flux current transformer using capacitance parallel connected coil and deduces it
  • This thesis provides the circuit schematic of the unit for measuring harmonic energy and the flow chart for measuring harmonic active energy and harmonic reactive energy . this thesis discusses the error origin of the system for measuring harmonic energy based on wavelet packet transform , and set up the error model , and presents the
  • 推荐英语阅读
比差的英文翻译,比差英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译比差,比差的英文意思,比差的英文比差 meaning in English比差的英文比差怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
