- 毒性 toxicity; virulence; poisono ...
- 相互抵消 cancel out each other
- 国家之间存在着力量相互抵消的问题 there is the problem of cancelling out one another's forces among the states
- 抗转绳(使各层的扭转作用相互抵消) anti-rotating rope
- 相互抵销 cancel out; counter balance; repeal by implication
- 债务相互抵销 the obligations were set off against each other
- 相互补偿;相互抵销 mutual offset
- 相互抵触, 相互矛盾 mutual contradiction
- 相互抵销的债权 claims set off
- 弹性相互作用 elastic interaction
- 惯性相互作用 inertial intercoupling
- 疏水性相互酌 hydrophobic interaction
- 粘性相互作用 viscous interaction
- 纯磁性相互作用 purely magnetic interaction
- 电紧张性相互作用 electrotonic interaction
- 反铁磁性相互作用 antiferromagnetic interaction
- 非弹性相互作用 inelastic envent
- 非极性相互作用 apolar interaction
- 各向同性相互作用 isotropic interaction
- 疏水性相互作用 hydrophobic interaction
- 抵消 offset; set-off; neutralize; negative; cancel out; counterbalance; kill; counteract 抵消损失 offset the loss; 抵消药物的作用 counteract the effect of a medicine; 相互抵消 cancel out each other; 以较好的路抵消较远的距离 offset the better roads against the greater distance; 国家之间存在着力量相互抵消的问题。 there is the problem of cancelling out one another's forces among the states.; 抵消比 cancelled ratio; 抵消电阻 neutralizing resistance; 抵消记入 cross entry; 抵消交货最后日 last trading day; 抵消交流声 hum bucking; 抵消力量 countervailing power; 抵消滤波器 neutralizing filter; 抵消权 right of set-off; 抵消税 countervailing duty [levy]; 抵消信贷 offset credit; 抵消网络 cancellation network; 抵消温度 compensation temperature; 抵消系统 bucking-out system; 抵消项目 offset items; 抵消债权 set off a claim; 抵消帐户 contra account
- 可用装卸时间不可相互抵补 non reversible laytime
- 广义线性相互作用模型 general linear interactive modelling
- 建设性相互作用的法律 law of creative interaction
- 细胞介导性相互作用 cell-mediated interaction