Measures which minimize systemic uptake reduce toxicity . 凡是足以减少周身吸收的方法,都能减少毒性反应。
Prolonged therapy should be avoided since it is conductive to toxic reactions . 应避免延长治疗,因为它可导致毒性反应。
Toxicity reaction of radix angelicae sinensis , rhizoma curcumae , rhizoma corydalis and its compatibility on mice 当归莪术延胡索及其配伍对小鼠的毒性反应
Clinical study on the protection of toxicity reactivity caused by radiotherapy in nasopharynx cancer with biyanjing 鼻咽净对鼻咽癌放疗毒性反应防护的临床研究
Single dose toxicity study is to observe the animal toxical reaction after administration ( one time or several times within 24h ) 单次给药毒性试验是研究动物一次或24小时内多次给予受试物后,一定时间内所产生的毒性反应。
Effect of shenfu injection on hematological toxic reactions induced by vinoreibine plus cisplatin in the treatment of non - small cell lung cancer 参附注射液对长春瑞宾联合顺铂方案治疗非小细胞肺癌引起血液学毒性反应的影响
" no difference was seen in survival rate and toxic effects were increased " when immunotherapy was added to chemotherapy , the researchers write 研究者写道,当免疫治疗与化疗结合时, “未发现生存率的差异而毒性反应却增加了” 。
" high - dose immunosuppression and ahst were performed with acceptable toxicity in a small number of patients with newly diagnosed type 1 dm “对小样本初诊1型糖尿病患者进行大剂量免疫抑制和自体非清髓造血干细胞移植,毒性反应是可容许的。
A dose of digitoxin which was totally “ therapeutic ” and innocuous at age 60 may produce severe toxicity and even death at age 70 对60岁(的患者)起很好治疗作用而无损害的洋地黄毒甙可能对70岁的患者产生严重的毒性反应,甚至可导致死亡。
Immediate reaction after the administration and toxic reaction and its disappearance time in two weeks , the survival condition and the changes of body weight at the beginning and end of the test were observed 观察给药后的即时反应,及2周内动物的毒性反应及消失的时间,生存情况,实验始末称取体重的变化。