- 每 every; each; per
- 点 drop
- 成本 prime cost; cost; capitalize ...
- 收视点 ratings point
- 总收视点 gross rating points
- 网络节点成本 cost of network node
- 修补缺点成本 cost of repairing the defect
- 百分点收视成本 cost per rating point
- 收视 reception
- 视点 point of sight; viewpoint
- 定点成 spot jamming
- 收视费 license fee
- 收视率 audience ratings; television viewing; audience share; television ratings; viewership; viewing rate/ rating
- 收视者 televiewer
- 监视点 watch expression
- 亮视点 lenscrafters
- 凝视点 fixation point
- 透视点 fe power pin; perspective point; power pin
- 新视点 new viewpoint
- 远视点 high eye point
- 中视点 centre of vision
- 注视点 blinkpunkt; fixation point; point of attention; point of fixation; point of regard; points of regard
- 共点成像 stigmatic imaging
- 三点成一线 sight alignment
- 序列点成像 sequential point imaging
- Cost per rating point ( cpp ) - the cost to deliver a single rating point