However more often than not , this script will return multiple 但是这段脚本通常会返回多个
Every system that runs the script needs access to the new tag 每一个运行这段脚本的系统都需要访问新的标签。
Not too much to it , is there 这段脚本不长,有吗?
Imagine writing 100 scripts to test a mere 100 of these combinations 假设编写100段脚本来测试仅仅100种这样的组合方式。
The only time this script will be called is by the javascript in the main page 这段脚本只会被主页面的javascript调用一次。
Xml returned by this script is based loosely on the first script - it will have the root tag , 这段脚本返回的xml代码大致上基于第一个脚本它会有个根标记
That script , since it is running inside the web browser from the site , has access to secure information , such as the user s cookies 那段脚本由于来自该站点,并在web浏览器内部运行,所以可以访问安全信息,例如用户cookie 。
Of course you can ' t protect the content of the page with this script alone , because cut and paste still would print work here 当然,你不能仅靠这段脚本程序来保护你的页面内容,因为“剪切” 、 “粘贴”功能仍然可以发挥作用。