- disable worker
- disabled worker
- handicapped worker
- handicraft worker
- 残废 maimed; crippled; disabled
- 工人 worker
- 残废的工人 disabled-worker
- 残废 1.(四肢或双目等失去一部分或丧失机能) maimed; crippled; (physically) disabled 残废军人 disabled armyman; disabled soldier; 这次意外事故使他终生残废。 the accident crippled him for life.2.(残废的人) a maimed person; cripple; 残废抚恤金 disability benefits; disability pension; 残废者 invalid; 残废证明书 [军事] certificate of disability; disability certificate
- 报废工程 scrapped project
- 利废工厂 conservation plant
- 少排废工艺 low waste technology
- 残废(屠肆) a00x
- 残废, 无能 disablement
- 残废的 cripple; deformed; disabled; lame; maimed; miscreated; of maiming
- 残废人 disabled person; maimed person
- 残废物 scrap
- 残废者 cripple; deformity; handicapped people
- 使残废 cripple; disable; hamstring; maim
- 报废工程损失 loss due to project scrapped
- 残废金, 残废抚恤金 disability pension
- 机场减废工作组 airport community waste reduction task force
- 建造业减废工作组 waste reduction task force for construction industry
- 残废保险 disability insurance
- 残废偿金 disability benefit
- 残废的;残疾的 disabled
- 残废的伤兵。 broken soldier
- 残废儿童 handicapped child
- 残废抚恤金 disability benefits; disability pension; disablement pension
- Job applications from disabled workers poured in at a staggering rate .
残废工人求职申请书大批涌来。 - Job applications from disabled workers poured in at a staggering rate .