Charles had only 5, 000 men, weary, hungry and badly armed, against cumberland's 9, 000 regular soldiers . 查理只剩下疲惫不堪,饥肠辘辘,装备低劣的五千个人了。而他们面对的是坎伯兰的九千名正规军队。
He was a tall, erect, slowmoving heavy man with a shock of iron-gray hair and looked like a retired colonel in the regular army . 他个子高大,腰板挺直,行动迟缓,一头浓密的铁灰色头发,看样子象正规军队的退休上校。
Even the rapid growth of the army and the latest manifestations of axis military power had not jolted some regular officers out of their rigid devotion to obsolete tenets and routine . 纵以当时陆军的迅速扩充,和轴心军事力量的炫耀,终不能改变若干正规军官所固执的陈腐教义和常规。
Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队
You two are a regular oi ' three musketeers 你们俩是正规军我们是三个火枪手
The regular troops of baden joined the insurgents 巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。
Your biggest task will be keeping the volunteers and the regulars 你的最大任务是协调民兵和正规军
You will have command of the regular army 你将指挥正规军
The first professional armies were probably built in sumeria and egypt 最早的正规军大抵出现在苏美尔和埃及。
You can command the militia only . regulars can ' t be led by a volunteer 你只能指挥民兵正规军不能由一个志愿兵来指挥