Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of india 海的那一边有富饶的印度次大陆。
The violence polarised communities on the subcontinent as never before 这是有史以来暴力在印度次大陆上分裂着各大区域。
He is the first known astronomer on that continent to have used a continuous system of counting solar days 他是所知的第一位南亚次大陆天文学家使用持续的系统去计算太阳日。
Between 31 and 35 , a woman is like india ? : sensual , relaxed , in full bloom , aware of her beauty 31到35岁的女人是南亚次大陆:充满着不受拘束的色欲,花开四地,熟知自己的魅力。
In 1775 , the second continental congress voted unanimously to appoint george washington head of the continental army 1775年,第二次大陆会议一致推选任命乔治.华盛顿作为大陆军的领袖。
Throughout india and the hindu culture , lord ganesha is the first idol placed into any new home or abode 在所有的南亚次大陆和印度教文明当中,主甘尼萨是放置在任何新房或住所的首要偶像。
Many historians believe that the history of india subcontinent experienced darkness in the middle ages , and the only light was xuan zang 历史学家认为,中世纪印度次大陆的历史一片黑暗,玄奘是唯一的光芒。
Foreign labourers , mainly from the asian sub - continent , make up around 85 percent of the united arab emirates " 4 million population 现在,阿联酋的外籍劳工总数已达400万,其中大约85左右的人来自于南亚次大陆地区。
Tall grass is the favorite habitat of the greater one - horned indian rhinoceros , rhinoceros unicornis , found only in the [ indian ] subcontinent 高高的草丛是大独角犀最喜爱的栖息地,大独角犀又名印度犀,只生活在印度次大陆。
Fifty three were born to parents from the indian subcontinent , nine were oriental , six were afro - caribbean , and five were white 其中53位的父母来之南亚次大陆, 9位的父母是东方人, 6位的父母是加勒比地区, 5位的父母是白种人。