Farmers are to grasp the wood 橛 son squat down to move bowels in the pit side 农民们就是手抓着木橛子蹲在坑边拉屎的。
Fasten 2 floaters on the top of wooden stake rope , the knot must be firm 然后,橛绠上端(根头)栓2个浮漂,结扣要牢固。
Open a very inclined and small ditch on the pit side , in front 钉 a wood 橛 son of the ditch 坑边上开有一条斜斜的小沟,沟的前头钉一根木橛子。
So i will break this down into many small chunks which will make it much easier to digest 所以我就这个问题分解成许多小橛休息后将使它更容易消化
The interval of the wooden stake is equal , arrange neatly , the wooden stake shouldn t crooked and shallow 橛间距相等,排列整齐,不得打歪,打浅,要确保质量。
The wooden stake rope should fasten to 35 or 12 of the underpart of wooden stake to avoid the wooden stake being drawn up 橛绠要栓在木橛下端的五分之三或二分之一处,以防拔橛。
The direction of cultivation float raft is down the flow , the spacing of raft is 5m , nail the wooden stake or stone roller at the both ends of raft to fix the raft body 我公司养殖浮筏方向,均为顺流设筏,筏距5m ,在筏身两端打木橛或下砣子固定筏身。