- pre-sale of uncompleted flats
- 楼 a storied building
- 花 flower; blossom; bloom
- 预售 open to booking; advance boo ...
- 预售楼花 pre-sale of uncompleted flats
- 预售楼宇;售卖楼花 forward sale of flats
- 楼花 property under construction; uncompleted flat
- 预售 open to booking; advance booking 预售车票 tickets open to booking; 所有的票将在3天前预售。 all bookings will be made 3 days in advance
- 楼花;期房 property under construction
- 预售量 scheduled sales quantity
- 预售票 pre-sale of ticket
- 楼花按揭 equitable mortgage
- 楼花交易 pre-completion transaction
- 楼花转售 sub-sale
- 买卖楼花 pre-completiontransactionpremises; transaction of uncompleted flats
- 售卖楼花 forward sale of flats; pre-sale of uncompleted flats
- 住宅楼花 uncompleted residential flat
- 蟾蜍楼花园 toad hall
- 商品房预售 forward purchasing for commodity houses
- 预售, 期货销售 advance sale
- 预售车票 tickets open to booking
- 预售楼宇 forward sale of flats; pre-sale of flats
- 预售票处 reservation office
- 预售认购 pre-sale purchase
- 预售书券制 prepaid coupon system
- 消火花预防装置 bo= blowout preventer