

  • plant mulching
  • vegetal cover



  • 例句与用法
  • Plant cover has been observed to influence pesticide persistence .
  • Land areas blanketed with vegetation heat and cool more slowly than barren areas do .
  • Here the nile is at its most beautiful , flowing through amber desert and granite rocks , round emerald islands covered in palm groves and tropical plants
  • Shrubs and creeping plants covered the windows , and hid from the garden and court these two apartments , the only rooms into which , as they were on the ground - floor , the prying eyes of the curious could penetrate
  • In the origin of species , charles darwin made a specific appeal to this idea when he wrote his famous description of the complex ecology of a bank covered by dense vegetation : " it is interesting to contemplate an entangled bank , clothed with many plants of many kinds , with birds singing on the bushes , with various insects flitting about , and with worms crawling through the damp earth , and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms , so different from each other , and dependent on each other in so complex a manner , have all been produced by laws acting around us "
    这句话最广泛的中译法是(按周建人/叶笃庄/方宗熙译本) : “凝视树木交错的河岸,许多种类的无数植物覆盖其上,群鸟鸣于灌木丛中,各种昆虫飞来飞去,蚯蚓在湿土里爬过,并且默想一下,这些构造精巧的类型,彼此这样相异,并以这样复杂的方式相互依存,而它们都是由于在我们周围发生作用的法则产生出来的,这岂非有趣之事。 ”
  • More than 800 specimens of plant diseases were collected in zhejiang , guangxi and yunnan province from june , 2000 to october , 2001 . and150 isolates of pestalotiopsis and its allied genera were identified from those plants of 49 families . they were bartalinia robillardoides tassi , monochaetia camelliae ( desm . )
    2000年6月至2001年10月期间,从浙江杭州,广西南宁、桂林,云南昆明、西双版纳等地采集到800多份植物病害标本,通过分离鉴定获得了150余个拟盘多毛孢属及其相关属的菌株(寄主植物覆盖了49个科) 。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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