氢化物发生原子吸收法 determination of selenium in coalhydride generationatomic absorption methodhod
These , too , showed more tropical than temperate mutations 同样地,热带植物发生的突变比温带植物多。
Bilateral flowers evolved , e . g . those of the pea family ( fabaceae ) and orchids ( orchidaceae ) 左右对称花类植物发生多样化进化,如豆科植物(豆科)和兰科植物(兰科) 。
These results indicate that the three studied clonal herbs demonstrated division of labor induced by reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients 这表明,三种克隆植物发生了环境诱导的克隆内分工行为。
Its depth is limited by the compensation leval - the depth at which the rate of photosynthesis is equaled by the rate of respiration , and below which plants cannot live ( but some phytoplankton can ) 这个深度受限于补偿水平? ?植物发生光合作用与呼吸作用速率相等时的水深,处于下方则植物无法生存(一些浮游植物除外) 。
After years studying the microscropic structure of plants , he proposed his cell theory contributions to phytogenesis ( 1838 ) , in which he stated that the various plant structures are all composed of individual cells 经过多年对植物显微结构的研究,他在1838年发表了的《植物发生论》中提出了细胞学说,指出细胞是构成植物体各种结构的基本单位。